Q: What is Yawo.life Self Selection Marriage event?

Our events are not the conventional speed dating, Rather our focus is on helping Christian & matured individuals (male & female) willing and ready for marriage within 1 year to meet, chat and have a genuine conversation that could lead to marriage.

Q: Does Yawo.life have Face to Face events?

Yes, our events are face to face.

Q: What types of event does Yawo.life offers?

We offer both Online (Virtual) and Offline event. The Online event involves participates attending the event remotely from the comfort of their homes using a laptop, desktop or their phones while offline event involves participants physically attending the venue of the event.

Q: How many people will I meet?

There is no limitation to the number of eligible prospects you can meet, but at least 10.

Q: Will the numbers of male and female be equal?

We work very hard to make sure the numbers of male and female participants are equal or almost equal. Although we can never guarantee this – numbers at most of our events are equal.

Q: How long does each conversation last?

Each convos will be around 7-10 minutes. This can be during breakout sessions, group chats, tea break and icebreakers events.

Q: How long does the entire event last?

Offline events run for about 2 to 3 hours with breaks, while our online events run for a little over 1hr.

Q: Will I meet people from my location?

Yes, especially for offline events. However for online events, there is the likelihood. Our online events breaks location barriers as participants come from around the world.

Q: What do I need to attend the event?

For our virtual events, you will need to download the free video conferencing app Zoom though the app store if you’re using a smartphone or simply go to www.zoom.us and download the desktop/laptop software to join our event.

For our offline event, you only need to show evidence of the confirmation email before you can be allowed access into the venue.

Q: What next after registration?

After your registration and subsequent verification, your login credentials and schedule would be communicated via your email. A reminder would be sent on the day so you can prepare adequately.

Q: How do I connect with people after the event?

You can only connect with participants you submitted their names and if there is a mutual consent from the other participant concerned, the contact would be sent across to you both.

Q: How much does it cost?

The event is FREE of charge. No hidden Charges, No Future Charges

Q: Is it safe?

Absolutely –the Offline events are held in secure and serene venue. There are also security personel stationed at the entrance to give all the participants the needed rest of mind.

Our online events are hosted on a secure platform and the sessions and conversations are monitored. Also, participants only communicate with their first names only and all webcams must be turned on. There is also a provision to make a complaint or report any shady participant whose presence on the platform may be detrimental to other participants. This also applies to the Offline event.



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